jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021


 Something scary with a happy ending

One night in June in 2016, I was on the way out of Ambato at my aunt's house, I was on the terrace watching the stars and the surrounding countryside. When suddenly, the neighborhood dogs began to bark and howl desperately but I was not scared because I thought it was nothing. For that, my mother told me to come down from the third floor because my uncle has already arrived, my father and my uncle began to talk and I leaned close to the wall.

Suddenly the light poles went out and the earth began to move and I was scared for a moment because it seemed that there was a worm in the earth, as the earthquake was strong, we decided to go outside and it was so ugly to see how they moved the cars and this earthquake lasted about 3 minutes.

When the movement calmed down a bit, we decided to return to the house to see how everything was, unfortunately the walls had cracked a bit but there was no major damage.

I called my grandparents and my relatives from both Quito and Ambato and fortunately they were fine, there were no injuries. It was a somewhat terrifying experience, but no one in my family was hurt.


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